All materials with the official logo must be compliant with the brand standards. Do not create your own logo. All logos must be developed by UCSF's Office of Communications.
Specific logo lock-ups and treatments are available for:
- Official UCSF schools, department, and divisions
- Programs (external programs and internal initiatives) that are part of a UCSF department
- Approved partnerships with external entities
Take this short Logo Quiz to determine which logo would apply to your group and to submit your logo request. Please note that not all groups qualify for having their own logo or treatment; instead, these groups will use the UCSF Master or department logo.
The following page includes guidance in the following areas:
Looking for UCSF Health logos? See downloads and guidance on the UCSF Health Guidelines page.
Master Brand Logo Downloads
All groups can use the UCSF Master logos. The master brand signature is the most prominent representation of the UCSF brand. It is the preferred UCSF logo for all print and digital applications.
The primary UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center logo and the primary UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences logo are also available for download.
Using the UCSF Logo
- Do not alter your logo in any way
- Logos should only be used in the colors provided
- Do not add text to the logo, or reposition “University of California San Francisco”
- Always include sufficient clear space around the logo
- Abide by minimum size requirements
- Never use more than one UCSF logo at a time (including on websites, print materials, etc.)
Logos are available in navy (preferred), black, and white – never alter the color of the logo. Choose the color that works best in context. For example, make sure there is sufficient contrast between the logo and the background. Logo Expressions, or logoboxes, are available for download in all primary colors. Use the version with white UCSF logo on most applications. The "KO" (knockout) version can be used over a photograph.
Clear Space
Always ensure there is sufficient clear space around the logo. Refer to examples below for guidance on each logo.
See below for the minimum size requirements for the UCSF Master and Entity logos.
Internal Partnerships
Represent a partnership among multiple UCSF groups by using a Master or department logo, and the partner names in Helvetica Neue Light type.
Never use mutliple UCSF logos together. If representing multiple UCSF groups, use one logo and list partner names in type.
UCSF as Primary Partner

UCSF as Equal Partner

UCSF as Supporting Partner